Watch the ending sequence and closing cutscene as they appear in-game in the video below...or just read it all below that.
Let’s do it! Let’s touch those magic sheep elbows!
Magical sounds combined with sheep sounds for a few seconds.
Lady Meredith
Congratulations, princess. Nature is restored.
I sense hundreds of naturally perished souls, ready for the afterlife.
Ha ha ha… It’s going to be a very busy day…
Shall I make time for the knight, princess?
Nah… He’s had enough.
Sir Brutus
Thank you, princess. My queen… I have failed you.
Queen Poppy
You sure do say that a lot.
Can we just go home? It smells here.
King Neew
Not so fast, my lovely wife.
I am beaten. But we are still wed.
Ghost Friar Vic
As wed as you ever were, Neew…
Whoa, it’s the friar dude! Feelin’ sad?
‘Cause you’re looking mighty blue… Heh heh…
Ghost Friar Vic
Hilarious, Prince of Darkness. But as I was saying…
Upon my passing moments ago, a new knowledge possessed me.
A knowledge of my true time of death—four days before the Poppy-Neew nuptials.
I cannot in good faith consider myself a viable officiant for any moment past then.
Therefore, your wedding is null and void.
Sir Neew
Impossible! That’s not how it works!
Lady Meredith
Oh, but it is…
And you are weakened. Your soul is mine!
Professor Noblehorn
Say, Morzhul, my friend. May I have a word with you over here?...
You’re free of eternal marriage to a skeleton, Poppy. You can thank me later.
Queen Poppy
I still hate you.
Fair enough.
Ignore her, punkin… So… How ya feelin’?
Relieved. Elated. Guilty. Weird mix, huh?
And I’ve made a decision. The Brimstone Layer is coming down.
Muffins! Why?
You know why. And I don’t care what happens to me.
Luna… I--
Professor Noblehorn
Have nothing to worry about.
Princess. Allow me to demonstrate my latest invention.
Not really interested in a science fair right now, doc.
Gobbo get baking soda! Make volcano!
Professor Noblehorn
No, Gobbo. But you CAN apply this ointment to her skin.
Sure. Whatever… Squirt me, squirt.
Huh… That feels kinda good. What’s it doing?
Professor Noblehorn
Changing your molecular structure.
You’re protected from the sun now, Luna—forever.
You’re kidding…
Professor Noblehorn
You know the Spirit Drill converts vile souls to Brimstone gas…
Well, I have liquefied the process with a single vile soul…
Neew’s. You are welcome.
So I owe my continued existence to applying Neew’s soul to my body, huh?
Super gross… But I’ll take it.
I really can’t thank you enough, guys. Seriously.
Lady Meredith
“Guys”? What about your best friend Magic Mary?
I have something for you, myself…
Badass, it’s a portal!
Sir Gavin
Hey, uh, nice to see you again, Luna. *gulp*
What now?
Heh… You tell me, Gavs.
You tell me.
You will not interrupt me this time, will you?
Heh… Only if you suck. Take us out, sonnet queen…
Her future now safe, her enemies bested,
The vampire princess returned home and rested.
So much had transpired, so much had occurred,
From halting a spell to the war she had stirred.
What? You did it again!
“Transpired”… “Occurred”… Same thing! Redundant!
May I continue?
Yeah, let’s see what else you goof…
Queen Poppy’s great trauma left peace hopes at risk,
'Til Lucifer gifted a fine compact disc.
The Sÿnz’ Greatest Hits had her yearning for more,
So, now the band plans for a full Kingdom tour!
Only Poppy would still play CDs…
Finish strong, girl. You got this.
Now, back in the Deadrealm, still all is quite well,
Celebrations persist, and they party like hell.
Bright light from above now shines through the day,
Yet Luna of darkness shows nary dismay.
As to why she’s so happy, the details are light…
Though it likely involves one drink-worthy knight.
Heh… I’ll never tell.
Let’s do it! Let’s touch those magic sheep elbows!
Magical sounds combined with sheep sounds for a few seconds.
Lady Meredith
Congratulations, princess. Nature is restored.
I sense hundreds of naturally perished souls, ready for the afterlife.
Ha ha ha… It’s going to be a very busy day…
Shall I make time for the knight, princess?
Nah… He’s had enough.
Sir Brutus
Thank you, princess. My queen… I have failed you.
Queen Poppy
You sure do say that a lot.
Can we just go home? It smells here.
King Neew
Not so fast, my lovely wife.
I am beaten. But we are still wed.
Ghost Friar Vic
As wed as you ever were, Neew…
Whoa, it’s the friar dude! Feelin’ sad?
‘Cause you’re looking mighty blue… Heh heh…
Ghost Friar Vic
Hilarious, Prince of Darkness. But as I was saying…
Upon my passing moments ago, a new knowledge possessed me.
A knowledge of my true time of death—four days before the Poppy-Neew nuptials.
I cannot in good faith consider myself a viable officiant for any moment past then.
Therefore, your wedding is null and void.
Sir Neew
Impossible! That’s not how it works!
Lady Meredith
Oh, but it is…
And you are weakened. Your soul is mine!
Professor Noblehorn
Say, Morzhul, my friend. May I have a word with you over here?...
You’re free of eternal marriage to a skeleton, Poppy. You can thank me later.
Queen Poppy
I still hate you.
Fair enough.
Ignore her, punkin… So… How ya feelin’?
Relieved. Elated. Guilty. Weird mix, huh?
And I’ve made a decision. The Brimstone Layer is coming down.
Muffins! Why?
You know why. And I don’t care what happens to me.
Luna… I--
Professor Noblehorn
Have nothing to worry about.
Princess. Allow me to demonstrate my latest invention.
Not really interested in a science fair right now, doc.
Gobbo get baking soda! Make volcano!
Professor Noblehorn
No, Gobbo. But you CAN apply this ointment to her skin.
Sure. Whatever… Squirt me, squirt.
Huh… That feels kinda good. What’s it doing?
Professor Noblehorn
Changing your molecular structure.
You’re protected from the sun now, Luna—forever.
You’re kidding…
Professor Noblehorn
You know the Spirit Drill converts vile souls to Brimstone gas…
Well, I have liquefied the process with a single vile soul…
Neew’s. You are welcome.
So I owe my continued existence to applying Neew’s soul to my body, huh?
Super gross… But I’ll take it.
I really can’t thank you enough, guys. Seriously.
Lady Meredith
“Guys”? What about your best friend Magic Mary?
I have something for you, myself…
Badass, it’s a portal!
Sir Gavin
Hey, uh, nice to see you again, Luna. *gulp*
What now?
Heh… You tell me, Gavs.
You tell me.
You will not interrupt me this time, will you?
Heh… Only if you suck. Take us out, sonnet queen…
Her future now safe, her enemies bested,
The vampire princess returned home and rested.
So much had transpired, so much had occurred,
From halting a spell to the war she had stirred.
What? You did it again!
“Transpired”… “Occurred”… Same thing! Redundant!
May I continue?
Yeah, let’s see what else you goof…
Queen Poppy’s great trauma left peace hopes at risk,
'Til Lucifer gifted a fine compact disc.
The Sÿnz’ Greatest Hits had her yearning for more,
So, now the band plans for a full Kingdom tour!
Only Poppy would still play CDs…
Finish strong, girl. You got this.
Now, back in the Deadrealm, still all is quite well,
Celebrations persist, and they party like hell.
Bright light from above now shines through the day,
Yet Luna of darkness shows nary dismay.
As to why she’s so happy, the details are light…
Though it likely involves one drink-worthy knight.
Heh… I’ll never tell.