Luna Unleashes 1,000 Souls Within Queen Poppy's Palace
You want payment, huh? Well, here’s some mother-freakin’ payment!
[Sound of souls being set free]
A thousand fresh souls ready to keep you company!
Single and ready to mingle. With you. Everywhere you go here.
Queen Poppy
My castle is infested…with the dead?!
Your own personal Deadrealm, sweetheart.
Queen Poppy
Get them out of here, Sir Brutus! Now!
Sir Brutus
My lovely queen… How?!
Yeah. Good luck with that one.
You got this, Brutes Magoots!
Let’s get out of here.
Professor Noblehorn
Princess Luna, this was MOST ill-advised!
You know the Spirit Drill requires all the souls it can acquire!
Luna men know too… Luna men sad now…
Ehhh… It’s worth it for the look on her face.
There’s no one I’d rather have despise me.
[Luna's troops have lower Morale after this choice.]
See what happens with the other options:
Suggest an Original Synz Concert
Pay 5,000 Gold
NEXT: The Four Olecranons
You want payment, huh? Well, here’s some mother-freakin’ payment!
[Sound of souls being set free]
A thousand fresh souls ready to keep you company!
Single and ready to mingle. With you. Everywhere you go here.
Queen Poppy
My castle is infested…with the dead?!
Your own personal Deadrealm, sweetheart.
Queen Poppy
Get them out of here, Sir Brutus! Now!
Sir Brutus
My lovely queen… How?!
Yeah. Good luck with that one.
You got this, Brutes Magoots!
Let’s get out of here.
Professor Noblehorn
Princess Luna, this was MOST ill-advised!
You know the Spirit Drill requires all the souls it can acquire!
Luna men know too… Luna men sad now…
Ehhh… It’s worth it for the look on her face.
There’s no one I’d rather have despise me.
[Luna's troops have lower Morale after this choice.]
See what happens with the other options:
Suggest an Original Synz Concert
Pay 5,000 Gold
NEXT: The Four Olecranons