Luna Gives Queen Poppy 5,000 Gold
Here’s five thousand. Don’t spend it all in one place.
Queen Poppy
I almost certainly will.
So predictably in character.
Queen Poppy
You’re lucky I don’t ask for more, wench!
Sir Brutus
No price is worth the cost of men’s lives, my lovely queen.
Dude, that’s profound. I love you, Brutes Magoots.
Sir Brutus
Uh… Thank you, master of hellfire.
Professor Noblehorn
Rest assured, living friends, these fallen souls will serve a greater good.
They did not die in vain.
They kinda did, though.
Just keepin’ it real, doc.
See what happens with the other options:
Suggest an Original Synz Concert
Terrorize Poppy by Releasing 1,000 Souls
NEXT: The Four Olecranons
Here’s five thousand. Don’t spend it all in one place.
Queen Poppy
I almost certainly will.
So predictably in character.
Queen Poppy
You’re lucky I don’t ask for more, wench!
Sir Brutus
No price is worth the cost of men’s lives, my lovely queen.
Dude, that’s profound. I love you, Brutes Magoots.
Sir Brutus
Uh… Thank you, master of hellfire.
Professor Noblehorn
Rest assured, living friends, these fallen souls will serve a greater good.
They did not die in vain.
They kinda did, though.
Just keepin’ it real, doc.
See what happens with the other options:
Suggest an Original Synz Concert
Terrorize Poppy by Releasing 1,000 Souls
NEXT: The Four Olecranons